Aetiket Label Printer - Integrating other FileMaker databases

Aetiket Label Printer can easily use information from other FileMaker Pro databases. This help sheet is a description of how you can integrate Aetiket Label Printer with your own databases. You must be using Aetiket Label Printer with FileMaker Pro to use this feature: the runtime version doesn't provide this functionality. It is organized into two sections: a simple how-to list, and a more detailed step by step discussion.


Simply described, importing label data from another FileMaker Pro database can be done as follows:

In your FileMaker solution:

1. Find and sort the information you want printed
2. Export the information to a file called: Labels.fp3

3. Run Aetiket Label Printer
4. Choose Preferences from the Script Menu
5. Set Import File to Labels.fp3
6. In the Setup page, setup the label page
7. Click the Import button


Step 1

Step 1 usually requires you to find and sort the data you want to send to Aetiket Label Printer. I assume that you are familiar with the Find and Sort functions in FileMaker Pro.

Step 2

The only tricky part may be step 2. Below I describe in more detail what needs to be done to make it all work without a hitch.

Export Label Data:
To export the label data in your own FileMaker Pro solution, choose the following menu:

Export Records Menu

File Name:
The information or data you want printed needs to be saved to a text file called Labels.fp3

File Location:
The file also needs to be saved to the same folder or directory as Aetiket Label Printer.

Export File Dialog

FileMaker Pro Format:
For Aetiket Label Printer to import your data, the data should be saved as a FileMaker Pro file. A FileMaker Pro file preserves the label data as a field in the file, making importing data seamless.

Export Field Order Dialog:
Doing the above will cause FileMaker Pro to create a file Labels.fp3 on your hard disk. The next step is to select the field to export that contains the label information you want to print.

In the Export Field Order dialog, make sure that you have only one field selected for exporting in the Field Order box because Aetiket Label Printer expects only one field in the Labels.fp3 file. When there is only one field selected in the Field Order box, you can select the Export button to export the data.

In the example given below, there is a field called Label that contains the information to be printed with Aetiket Label Printer.

Step 3

Double-click on the Aetiket.fp3 icon to open Aetiket Label Printer.

Step 4

In the Setup page, choose Preferences from the Script Menu.

Preferences Menu

Step 5

In the Preferences page, set Import File to Labels.fp3

Set Import File

Return to the Setup page by clicking the Back button.

Step 6

In the Setup page, setup the label page by selecting the appropriate Label Type, Row, and Column. The number of Labels to Print doesn't need to be selected, as Aetiket Label Printer determines the appropriate number of labels to print based on the number of labels imported.

Step 7

Click the Import button


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Page last updated December 9, 1998
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 Eric Fandrich All Rights Reserved.